Huge News!! & A Contest of All Contests

I have huge news!!! And no…the wife is not pregnant. It’s not possible anymore…but that’s a whole other blog post.
In honor of the upcoming Father’s Day on Monday, June 14th, an amazingly awesome three-minute animation short created by animator JC Little (@littleanimation on Twitter) will be launched on this blog and on Little Animation's YouTube channel.
The best description of the animated short is the one crafted by the amazing JC Little of Little Animation:
“At the mercy of his ninja son, his aspiring-princess daughter and his apparently disinterested wife, Daddy seems to be on the verge of tears. But what actually makes him cry may surprise you. A heart-warming and humorous look at fatherhood, inspired by the blog"
Or, as she told me, “it’s my response to the question ‘why is daddy crying?’”
So now it’s your turn…
Contest Time!
With the help of the following kick-ass amazing Twitter friends and parent bloggers who will be our judges:
We are asking you the age old question, “Why Is Daddy Crying?!?”
Comment on this blog post with your best answer. Lay it out there. Don’t be shy. Hit us with your best shot.
What’s in it for you?
A hand-crafted, hand-picked, amazingly phenomenal care package created by JC Little of Little Animation and myself. And, I promise not to send any of my dirty underwear.
What’s in the “phenomenal” care package?
- Little Animation’s children’s animation 2 DVD’s “Kid Stories International” & “Little Earth Charter” found at
- Gift certificate to Toys R Us
- A “Planet Earth” baby onsie – super comfort, 100% cotton jersey knit from Little Animation’s shop.
- Picture of me when I was 20 wearing no shirt and holding three Amber Jack I caught on a deep-sea fishing trip.
- An opportunity to exclusively babysit my kids every weekend for an entire year
- Dick’s Sporting Goods gift certificate
- Dot & Lil ( @DotandLil on Twitter) limited edition Spring & Summer 2010 bath set seen here:
Come on. Comment…answer the question…Deadline is end of day Tuesday, June 15! The winner will be announced Thursday, June 17!
Only rule is...Please try to keep the submissions as clean as possible!! Many thanks and so finally - let me have it - Why Is Daddy Crying???!!!!

Reader Comments (30)
My Daddy is crying right now because his little girl not only got married (HOW DARE I!) But also decided to be unusual and pack up everything she owns and fly 3500 miles away to become English. Not only am I the favorite, but I'm the only girl, which means he's going through with drawl symptoms right now.
When I lived in Chi Town I would get 2-3 phone calls a day just to chat and say hi, from him. Now that I'm in England I get 3-4 Skype calls a day, just to chat and say hi. And every single one of them involves him trying not to cry as he says good bye before hanging up.
Although, I must admit. I don't blame Daddy for crying, daughter sometimes gets a bit weepy as well. I think it's his genes, to be fair.
love it!
Daddy is crying because his daughter found the secret porn stash while Grandma (mom's mom) was babysitting.
daddy is crying because every aspect of his life is now centered around the bowel movements of his children. from simple chores like laundry, dishes & mowing the law, to when we can buy food because we have asses to wrap, wipe, pat dry and powder.
daddy is crying because hamburger helper, EVEN WITH GROUND TURKEY, is quite possibly the loosely excreted excrement of a deranged vagabond from the Canadian arctic who chose to stop through Detroit for some Mexican food before he came and shat on my stove top, and that is what we must eat on the days leading up to pay day so that the many shitting shittering shitbutts that my wife hath birthed may have their shit contained in shitwraps to fortify our household against the invading shit.
daddy is crying because every gadget he has ever purchased has ended up in a toilet floating, under the back wheel of his truck to be smashed to pieces or deep-throated by a child under 3 years old, only to be capped off with an undeniably adorable "uh oh daddy, daddy uh oh".
daddy is crying because not only does his baseball team suck, but his son at just over two years old can make direct contact with a ball, which is met with comments from his grandparents saying "oooh, you could play for the southsiders!".
daddy is crying because the only time he has to himself are the 4am bowel movements while warming up bottles for the twin feed and shit machines, which have recently been interrupted by a child asking "daddy, what doing? what doing daddy? what daddy doing? doing daddy what? what what daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy, potty? daddy potty?" - how can daddy read with this incessant and unrelentingly cute banter going on?
daddy is crying because his sex life has been reduced to his wife thanking him for allowing her to wear clean underwear, which he washed, dried and folded; thanking him for allowing her to get another mani/pedi while he stayed home with the kids, and when she puts her feet on his lap they dont feel like two actual pumice stones.
daddy is crying because he just reread all of the above.
Why is daddy crying? Seriously? If you don't have a clue then you aren't a daddy or you self-medicate more than Ozzy himself.
First, the emotions involved with raising children are not male emotions. Other than how poop and a fart smells, it is all things that men are not meant to deal with well. Sure, it's great to hang out with your kids, but they basically become little siblings that you are once again responsible for. eeewwww! (the kid just farted and i'm a proud father!)
Second, as an independent gender, our universe has just crashed. Remember when the last of the kegs was emptied and the stores won't sell you anything until noon? Those two hours were devasting. Yeah, that's the feeling.
Third, having been exposed to all these hormones and emotions has produced a phenomenon called a manginia. Yeah, I admit it, I cry at the dumbest commercials now. I start to wonder about the girl in playboy. Not because of the body but what her family is like. <puke> The only thing I'm missing right now are some boobs (which would make work more enjoyable for sure. Is there self sexual harassment?)
This is already bringing tears to my eyes. I gotta go pop some reds. Later!
Hell if I know why Daddy is crying. He's in bed by 8:30 up by 5am and at work by 6:30. He gets home at 3 pm and is napping from 3:30 to 6:15. He gets to eat a hot meal at 6:30 and gives baths at 7:30 ( and whines about it) and the kids are in bed by 8.
Mommy is crying because she's woken up at 2 by a kid and 4:30 by Daddy and again at 6:30 to diaper, feed, juice, bottle, sippy cup, entertain, educate, kiss boo-boos, chase monsters, take outside, take to the store, discipline, cook, clean, do the laundry, make a budget, lie to bill collectors, never finish a thought with out sounding like Yoda, and is lucky if she has the energy to take a shower at 11pm and in bed by midnight.
Daddy has no reason to cry. He will if he asks Mommy "when are you going to _________" .
Daddy is Crying because he never got the chance to meet his Grandchildren.
Daddy is Crying because he also never had the chance to meet, hold and cuddle his adorable Great-Grandchildren. When it is gloomy, and raining Daddy is Crying... but when it is warm and sunny, Daddy is smiling down at us and showing us that he is not gone... he is indeed always with us.
Daddy isn't crying because he is frustrated. Or overworked. Or undersexed. Not because he has to wipe noses and wipe asses. Not because he got kicked in the nuts accidentally by a tantrum throwing kid. Not because the messes and arguments never end, and the quiet time is all too little. He isn't crying about the amount of sleep he gets, or doesn't get. And he is definitely not crying because he just can't get the last word in an "I fantasize" battles, no matter how hard he tries.
He IS crying because the little joys of being a Dad sometimes overwhelm the manly exterior, and a sincere "you're the best, Daddy" is too much to take. He's crying at the wealth of pride he feels when one of the little fuckers learns a life lesson, gets an awesome grade, or crosses the finish line. He's crying because he and the toddler have the same dancing skills, or hold a pencil the same way, or have the same smile. He's crying because of the indescribable joy of having kids.
At least that's why the Daddy in our house is crying. And that's precisely the reason Daddy SHOULD be crying.
Daddy is crying because he sees how that works for his little girl (and her mother)! Too bad we're on to him! You can't kid a kidder!!!
Daddy is crying because all he really wanted was a blow job.
Daddy is crying because junior walked in on him just as Mommy 'finished' and when Daddy got back to bed Mommy was snoring...
Daddy is crying because along with the joys and pride of being successfully married and having children, there is loss of contol and pain. Pride comes when your little girl rides a bike for the first time and pain is right there with it because now you have to worry about her getting hit by a car. Pride when your son hits the ball in a game and pain right along with it as you watch him sit the bench because he's not good enough to play in the playoff game. This yin yang goes on throughout life. Excitement and pride as your daughter learns to drive, but worry every minute until she and the car return intact. Pride when watching your son graduate with honors is coupled with the pain that he's leaving soon, maybe forever. Fatherhood makes you very vulnerable. Fatherhood gifts you with unending love. Fathers realize that although they are strong men, there are many things out of their control. That's why Daddy cries.
Why is Daddy crying? Because his social life consists of drinking beer on Friday nights "talking" to strangers on Twitter. Because he's slowly watched all of his bachelor toys get sold off for more practical family substitutes. Because he's gone from number 1 in his wife's eyes to number 3, or 4 depending on the dog's behavior. Because his sister's college friends refer to him as mister.
Why is Daddy crying? Because he can hold full conversations with his oldest son now. Because that same son follows him around and copies his every move. Because that son can now say "Boooo Phillies" Because he's the only one who can coax a smile out of his infant son. Because he know's how full of shit his friends who "adopt a dog to prepare for children" are.
Why is Daddy crying? Because having a wife who loves him, a dog who adores him and 2 sons who he loves more than anything have turned him into a giant pussy.
daddy's crying because he has realized that no matter how awful things may seem he has the lil' ones to call him daddy at the end of the night and it brings a tear to his eye!
Daddy is crying because adulthood is nowhere near the fun he thought it was going to be. Kids are wonderful and they break your hearts every day. Grey hairs popping up left and right. But, daddy is really crying because his life is amazing and his family is fabulous and he's leaving a bit of himself behind in the world. Rock on @daddyiscryin.
because there isnt enough money to go around, his mama is sick with cancer again, his job keeps changing the rules, his wife has lost her libido, his 3 year old is throwing up, his car just hit 100k miles, his lawn is dead again after multiple attempts to water and feed it, his house needs painting, his cat just yacked in the floor and he stepped in it, his back hair needs a shave...... his daughter just yelled, "Daddy. Daddy you're home!" when he walked through the door, his 4 month old just rolled over, his wife gave him that smile that melted him 13 years ago, his silly bassett hound is snoring, there is beer in the fridge, his wife is about to celebrate 8 years since her leukemia diagnosis and is cancer free and his Dad finally told him he loved him after a lifetime of waiting. He's crying becasue he's the luckiest man alive.
Daddy is crying because weekends don't mean crap anymore.
Daddy is crying because he really wants to go to the zoo to see the hippos, but the kids are busy with facebook, twitter, blogs, sms, wii...
I'm totally stealing this from a T-shirt:
Daddy is crying because all Mommy really wanted was a back rub.
Because he has to wear pants 6 days a week.