I Guest Blog On A .org Site!

I was just as shocked as you. I got a very nice email from a gentleman last week who kindly asked if I’d like to do a guest post for his blog DaddysHome,Inc. I immediately checked out the site and it’s an official non-profit dedicated to serving as a resource for stay at home dads. A real live .org!!
Immediately I thought, oh shit! I’m going to have put my big-boy pants on to write something for this guy? I’ll probably have to go to the damn library, put footnotes on it, and maybe even quote a PhD.
The owner of the site, Shannon, quickly put my fears to rest. “We’re all dudes, just do what you do best my man.”
So, I wrote about how the wife and I (mainly me) thought we were pregnant earlier this week.
And…here’s the post – enjoy! And makes sure you poke around the site a bit more…it’s pretty kick-ass.