Wanna See If That Fits In My Gap?

I may have mentioned a time or two that I kinda have a gap between my two front teeth. If you haven’t heard me say that before well…I’ve got a gap between my two front teeth.
Between that, my Dumbo ears, and my oversized head I’ve given quite a number of people plenty of teasing material over the decades I’ve stomped around on this crazy planet. But it’s all good. I’ve embraced my “uniqueness” – which is what my wife calls my distorted attributes.
So, it’s in that same vein that I gathered the family last night and sent them on a quick hunt to find two things each they’d like to see me shove in-between my two front teeth.
You want to see the results don’t you? Well here it goes:
The Wife Chose:
8 business-sized envelopes
My Blackberry charger cord while still attached to my phone
The Daughter Chose:
Barbie’s hand. And the whole time I did this one Ken was in the corner laughing like a school girl. Sick bastard.
8 Silly Bandz...stupid Silly Bandz.
The Boy Chose:
Yes…that’s a nickel. The fattest of the pocket change being circulated in this great country.
A Lego ladder with SpongeBob and Patrick attached. I guess they’re ornamental?
So that’s it people. Now you’ve seen the gap in full display. I hope you’re happy cause my damn teeth hurt like hell now!